New essay out soon on Bergson and film-philosophy (The Bergsonian Mind, Routledge)

The Routledge Philosophical Minds series sets out to provide ‘a comprehensive survey of all aspects of a major philosopher’s work, from analysis and criticism of their major texts and arguments to the way their ideas are taken up in contemporary philosophy and beyond.’ Since their Nietzsche book in 2018, Routledge have covered Kierkegaard, Wollstonecraft, and Hume, just to name a few… and later this year comes The Bergsonian Mind edited by Mark Sinclair and Yaron Wolf.
It was really cool to be invited to write a chapter for the book – which has 36 essays from an amazing array of contributors. To get the gig for the cinema chapter – which I titled ‘”Living pictures”: Bergson, cinema, and film-philosophy’ – and appear alongside these other writers is a real honour.
Thanks to Mark and Yaron for invitation… and I am looking forward to the release of the book on 30 November, 2021 – tho it can be pre-ordered now. Every chapter promises to be awesome.
Check out the abstract for my chapter ‘”Living pictures”: Bergson, cinema, and film-philosophy’.
See the website for The Bergsonian Mind at Routledge online.