discotheque Zarathustra: Latest Cut with Cyndi Lauper

This episode of discotheque Zarathustra continues with Chapter 3 of the Second Part of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, ‘On Those Who Pity’.
‘Ever since there have been human beings, they have enjoyed themselves too little: that alone, my brothers, is our original sin’ – so proclaims Zarathustra.
Enjoy yourself? Can this really be a centre of the teacher’s philosophy? It just seems so… simple (and, possibly, irresponsible or even dangerous). And not enjoying ourselves: that ‘alone’ is the problem for Nietzsche? The ‘original sin’?
Cyndi Lauper’s first hit single ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun’ helps explicate such a perspective, and the song turns out to be throughly Nietzschean.
Check out discotheque Zarathustra: Zarathustra vs Cyndi Lauper